Local Business Network

Payments and Event Registration

New Membership Payment


If you have attended an LBN meeting, and submitted an application for membership, you may pay your initial 6-month membership fee here.  Your application will be submitted to the Chapter Membership Committee for reveiw and acceptance.  If your application is rejected for any reason, 100% of your payment will be refunded.  

Payment of dues via credit card authorizes LBN to retain your credit card information on our payment processor's secure site and to automatically charge that card for the then current renewal amount on subsequent renewal dates.  An invoice indicating the renewal date and amount to be charged will be emailed approximately one moth prior to the due date.  You can cancel your membership renewal by notifying LBN home office staff by phone, text or email prior to the renewal date.  Note that notification of a Chapter Officer or Regional Director is not sufficient notification. 


Click here to pay new member dues


LBN Membership Renewals

Membership fee's are non-refundable. 

Six Month LBN Membership Renewal  $270
if paid by 15th

Six Month LBN Membership Renewal  $280
if paid between 16th and end of month due

Six Month LBN Membership Renewal  $290
if paid after month end

One Year LBN Membership Renewal  $490

One Year LBN Membership Renewal  $500
if paid between 16th and end of month due

One Year LBN Membership Renewal  $510
if paid after month end


Click here to renew your LBN Membership

Membership dues are nonrefundable once received.  Payment of dues via credit card authorizes LBN to retain your credit card information on our payment processor's secure site and to automatically charge that card for the then current renewal amount on subsequent renewal dates.  An invoice indicating the renewal date and amount to be charged will be emailed approximately one moth prior to the due date.  You can cancel your membership renewal by notifying LBN home office staff by phone, text or email prior to the renewal date.  Note that notification of a Chapter Officer or Regional Director is not sufficient notification.



Books, CD's and DVD's

"Network Your Way To $100,000 and Beyond"

By Chuck Gifford and Minesh Baxi

                       $19.95 + S&H

Click here to order

Product and shipping costs are nonrefundable
upon submission.


Industry Exchanges
Watch for our Lineup of Industry Exhanges for 2020
  A Networking Event Designed to Assist in the Development of Referral & Strategic Partner Relationships

2020 Industry Exhange meetings are currently cancelled due to the Coronavirus .  We will update you when the all clear is given and live meetings are able to continue.

Last Tuesday of Designated Month

  5:30 pm            Networking

  6:00 pm            Introductions

  6:30 pm            Open Networking

  7:30 pm            Event Close

$15 for LBN Members
$20 for Non-Members

Coffee/Water, Light Snacks, Facilitated Discussions and Networking with up to 45 LBN members and guests.


Each year, LBN hosts several industry exchanges during the Spring, Summer and Fall.  Watch for announcements on the dates for the Legal, Financial Services , Real Estate, Personal Services,  and Technology Industry Exchanges.  Both members and their guests are invited.  You can attend as many as are appropriate for your business. 

©2024 Local Business Network (LBN). All rights reserved.

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