Listen to what our satisfied members have to say!!!
LBN is the reason we are so successful. When I started Alpine Computers, the contacts I had in LBN helped me exceed my annual salary from my previous employer within six months. Shortly thereafter, I partnered with someone I met through LBN and we doubled our size. Over a nine year period, we have received over $1 million in business from LBN members and leads. When we grew to the point where we were targeting larger clients, LBN adapted and developed a chapter composed entirely of businesses serving mid-sized clients. If anyone wants to grow their business, LBN is the only way to go.
Jim Motley
Alpine Computers
I was looking for a career when I joined LBN. There was no work for me as a physics major and I was bouncing from one MLM company to another. Chuck Gifford convinced me to use my technology background to start an IT business. We struggled a little, but LBN was there to help. LBN referrals were and are responsible for 80% of our business. The referral partner building skills I learned in LBN have helped me build a team of partners who now refer me business on a regular basis. In the first 6 months of 2010, we did more business than the entire previous year and we have graduated from working with small residential customers to small and mid-sized businesses. Our future is bright despite a Michigan economy that is at depression levels.
Jason Verlinde
The Technologists
LBN training upgraded my networking skills and completely changed the way I market my business. Because my business (flooring) is somewhat unique in LBN, I can visit many chapters other than my own and do so regularly. In a typical month, I visit 15 to 20 chapters where I work hard to get to know and help everyone I can. LBN members are my extended family and they account for a whopping 95% of my revenue. I’m am living proof that the LBN system works, if you work it!
LBN is the single most effective method we have ever used to promote our business. Networking between chapters of LBN and forming strategic alliances with those LBN members in other technology related fields have helped me to form a continuous referral stream and thus a continuing stream of new leads and new clients. The mixers especially have allowed me to meet some excellent strategic referral partners that I can pass business to and get leads from. Overall, we have received over $1 million in referrals during the nine years we have been with LBN.
Steve Hyer
IGD Solutions (Website Development Firm)